Chiropody/Podiatry Specialists in Guisborough

At Cleveland Chiropody and Sports Injurieswe know that healthy feet are important for ensuring a fulfilled and active life.

Withstanding hundreds of tonnes of pressure every day and carrying us over 60,000 miles in an average lifetime, it may come as a surprise that over 90% of school children experience problems with their shoes or feet and 89% of elderly people require some form of treatment.

Remedying the external and biomechanical foot problems that can affect anybody is what we at Cleveland Chiropody and Sports Injuries specialise in. This might include custom-made orthotic insoles, gait analysis, sports injuries, musculoskeletal problems, overuse injuries, structural assessment, training advice and muscle assessment.

So many of us neglect the continued care of our feet, however our foot specialists offer a range of remedial and preventative foot treatments for foot pain, ingrowing toenails and corns.

Call us today to arrange a consultation.

Don't neglect the proper care of your feet, we treat:

-Ingrown toenails
-Fungal infections
-Deformed toenails
-Thickened toenails
-Hardened skin
-Painful toenails resulting from trauma or accidental damage
-Painful bunion joint
-Fungal infections
-Warts and verrucae

We support preventative care, wherever possible:

Many foot problems can be prevented by regular visits to a chiropodist / podiatrist, and potentially painful conditions can be diagnosed and treated in the earliest stages avoiding unnecessary suffering. A great deal can be done to improve comfort, relieve pain and maintain mobility.
Your appointment will include a consultation, examination of the feet, and treatment.
Chiropody Association logos

Let us take care of your feet; call Cleveland Chiropody and Sports Injuries

Guisborough 01287 633 799
Mobile Phone 07918 759 630 

24 hour answer service available.

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